Mobile site switchover

  • Graphene2User


    At how many pixels does the site switch into mobile mode?
    I’m trying to make sure Max Mega Menu switches at the same point.

    Also in mobile mode an extra line for the site title is displayed – how to remove it?
    It’s already disabled for normal mode



    ok this explains why the site title space is there on mobile


    Syahir Hakim


    Graphene uses Bootstrap as the grid system, so the mobile breakpoints follow the same as Bootstrap. In the case of mobile devices, it’s 768px. See Bootstrap’s documentation for the full list of responsive breakpoints.



    Thanks Syahir
    Is there a way to prevent Graphene inserting the title line at the mobile breakpoint?
    A plugin such as Max mega menu replaces the menu on the menu line with a hamburger and other options.


    Syahir Hakim


    The easiest way would be to just hide the title line using the following CSS code:

    @media (max-width: 767px) {
    	.header_title {
    		display: none !important;



    Thanks – that’s great!

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