missing argument 2 for wp_kses

  • technoidiot


    This is my first post here, so I apologize if it is in the wrong place.

    I am currently using graphene version 1.7.2 (love it BTW) and wordpress version 3.4. On a few of my website pages, when I hit the update button, a page appears with the following:

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wp_kses(), called in ****/public_html/wp-content/themes/graphene/admin/custom-fields.php on line 74 and defined in ****/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php on line 550

    Warning: Missing argument 2 for wp_kses(), called in ****/public_html/wp-content/themes/graphene/admin/custom-fields.php on line 74 and defined in ****/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php on line 550

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at ****/public_html/wp-includes/kses.php:550) in ****/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881

    I am very code-challenged, but is there a way I can fix this? The pages do seem to be updating correctly, but I get this message every time I hit the update button on my wordpress screen.



    Kenneth John Odle


    We had this bug about four versions ago (see this for details) and had it squashed then.

    I see this person is having the same issue.

    Try temporarily disabling all your plugins and seeing if the issue goes away. If it does, it’s a plugin conflict. If not, it’s a theme bug.

    Anyone else seeing this?


    Kenneth John Odle


    BTW, from a design standpoint, you might want to change the name of your homepage in your menu to “Home”. It’s kind of awkward and repetitive as it now is.



    Thanks for responding Kenneth! I deactivated all of my plugins, logged out of WordPress, logged back in, but the problem did not disappear. It is only happening on 3 of my pages: Current exhibitions, Upcoming exhibitions, and Past exhibitions. (don’t know if that helps)


    Syahir Hakim


    Try replacing line 74 in the theme’s admin/custom-fields.php from this line:

    update_post_meta( $post_id, '_graphene_nav_description', wp_kses( $_POST['graphene_nav_description'] ) );

    to this line:

    update_post_meta( $post_id, '_graphene_nav_description', wp_kses_post( $_POST['graphene_nav_description'] ) );




    Thanks SO much. Took me a few minutes to find the right line, but this has fixed the problem!



    Perfect fix. Thank you.

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