Menu or Pages?

  • DBZExperts


    Hello, I’m a bit confused.

    My website is

    I was wondering if the main menu should be set up from the menu section, with pages within the menu category? Or should the menu category be pages with more pages within. Currently I have custom menu set up, and pages within, but being that the menu has no URL (it’s just a drop down) I cannot access them via mobile devices.

    Can someone give me advice? It’s a little hard to explain so excuse my ignorance.

    What should I be doing?


    Syahir Hakim


    I do think that in almost all use cases, Custom Menus is the way to go. But I’m not sure I understand your question though.

    First, what is the issue you’re having and how would you like it to be instead?



    Basically, when I set my custom menus up the menu options were just drop down items.


    “General Info” is on my main menu. I made this un-clickable, being i had not assigned it a URL redirect. Being that I did that, on a mobile device you are unable to click the menu to drop down because on a desktop you would just hover over the menu and it would show a drop down list.

    Basically, I don’t want my main menu options being specific pages. I just want drop down menu’s.

    The problem is when I did that at first, like i said above on mobile devices they are not accessible since they are a drop down and not a physical page.

    Sorry it is hard to explain.

    Hopefully you understand.

    In the mean time, I set up my main menu as pages so i can access via mobile device.


    Syahir Hakim

    “General Info” is on my main menu. I made this un-clickable, being i had not assigned it a URL redirect. Being that I did that, on a mobile device you are unable to click the menu to drop down because on a desktop you would just hover over the menu and it would show a drop down list.

    Yeah, that is tricky unless the mobile device has some sort of “hover” functionality, like using an active stylus.

    As a workaround, what about setting the URL of the top menu item as the URL to the first dropdown item for that menu?



    You know what, I just figured it out. I set the URL as “#” and it works perfectly. Its fully functional and works perfectly.

    My website is, and on a desktop when a menu item is clicked with the URL set to # the top bar just changes to without leaving the page. It works great.

    Thanks for your help! hopefully if someone else has the same question in the future my way could be of assistance!


    Syahir Hakim


    OK, marking the thread as resolved then. You can do this yourself as well.

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