Make Graphene more SEO

  • Anonymous



    I like you theme, with great functionnality but looking the document outline (headings) with web developer toolbar, i think it can me much more SEO!

    Homepage is Ok (h1 blog title & h2 posts title) but:

    – single article it’s better to have h1 on the post title

    – in categorie pages, tag page or archive page, h1 for the tag/archive month or category at the top of the page (below header) and h2 for posts title.

    I can make these changes on the last 1.11.1 if you are interested

    Contact me by email,

    Kind regards



    I agree with Aymeric from my own SEO knowledge and would greatly like to see this change in future versions!

    I’ve been too busy to test the latest beta appologies for that.


    Syahir Hakim


    Noted. Any more suggestions on making the theme more SEO-friendly?



    Hi, I’ve spent 2 days trying to work out how to get the H1 tag on the main PAGES for my website.

    I’ve gone through everything in the Editor, but can’t find “post-title” – which shows up as the main header at the top of the content of each page.

    It is H2 – but it must be changed to H1 for SEO purposes.

    Can someone please help me? I posted the same question in another area yesterday, but no response.

    This is extremely important for all the websites I’m about the create – can you help?

    Thanks in advance!! 🙂




    I finally found the POST-TITLE in Editor:

    Graphene: loop.php

    and I changed this:

    <h2 class=”post-title”>

    to this:

    <h1 class=”post-title”>

    and this:






    I also hope there to be some seo option

    for instance, I can’t write Excerpts when I post if I don’t use things like all in one SEO

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