Little adds in footer

  • qbone


    hi, nice theme you have!

    i found a post on how to add little adds in the footer ( but i cant manage it work on my site… I was wondering of it is also possible without a childtheme? site url is:

    Is it possible as on

    regards, q



    It is possible without creating a child theme. Action hook widgets are meant for this purpose.

    Select an action hook widget (Eg: graphene_developer) in Graphene Options => Advanced=> Action Hooks Widget Ares => footer.php

    Then go to widgets and add a HTML text widget to that action hook widget. Paste your Ad code.

    This tutorial might help you – Graphene Action Hook Widgets รขโ‚ฌโ€œ an easy way to modify your blog :



    Thanks, gonna check it out.

    I’ve also managed to get the child theme to work ๐Ÿ™‚



    Ok managed to get the little ads in the footer. but…

    it wont center anymore in chrome, in ie the ads are left and the copyright is right?



    I’m not sure what you are talking about, but try this. Wrap the code between <p align=”center”> Code </p>



    BTW, what’s the URL of your site??



    site url is:

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