issue with tooltips

  • edwardsloria


    hello – i have noticed using the graphine WP theme that any tooltip plugin i use will place the tooltip directly over the item rather than above it. when i switch back to a default wordpress theme, all the tooltip plugins work just fine.

    has anybody else noticed this behavior?


    Kenneth John Odle


    Can you recommend a specific tooltip plugin (or two) that we can test this out with?

    has 17 pages of results.



    i think i now understand what is happening. while logged into WP, when a page opens up, WP puts a toolbar at the top of the page. this toolbar is obviously only there while logged into WP and disappears once i log out of WP.

    i think the graphine theme may not be taking that into account, but there is no reason to, really, since its only there during development and only for the WP developer.

    there is a very simple workaround: open the page in a different browser, or log out of wordpress.


    Kenneth John Odle

    while logged into WP, when a page opens up, WP puts a toolbar at the top of the page

    I think the official name is the ‘admin bar’.

    i think the graphine theme may not be taking that into account,

    In what way? It doesn’t really interact with themes, in my experience, as long as themes don’t interact with any back end functions or css classes or id’s.



    Just a side-note.

    You can disable the toolbar when logged in under Users > Your Profile. Scroll down to “Show Toolbar when viewing site” and uncheck.

    No need to logout or change browser.

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