Is there a way to make particular posts show up in specific widgets and on specific pages?

  • Kyle


    Hello. I am brand new to this forum, and fairly new to the whole Word press thing, so if I posted this in the wrong area, please accept my sincerest apology. Is there a way that I can make particular posts show up in different widgets and on different pages? I have created 4 individual footer widgets for my homepage, and would like to be able to make an excerpt of posts show up in a particular widget and the post itself show up on a particular page. is that possible? I am still developing the site so it has not gone live yet. If you’d like to see it so far, here’s the link.


    Thank you so much for any help you can provide, and thank you for your time.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Do you want the entire post to show up in a widget, or just an excerpt.

    I’m not quite sure what you mean by “on different pages”. Pages and posts are two different things on WordPress.



    Thanks for your prompt reply. I have created both widgets and pages. Ideally, when I write a post, I would like an excerpt to show up in a widget on the home page, and the actual post to show up on a page I have created that corresponds with the widget. Does that make since?

    To break it down a little further. I have created a widget for each of the four towns in my area I have also created a page for each of those towns. I would like to I would like to do a post, and have the excerpt show in the widget and the post itself show up on the individual towns page.

    Thanks again for your help and your time.


    Kenneth John Odle

    the actual post to show up on a page I have created that corresponds with the widget. Does that make since?

    Sort of, but you’re doing it backward.

    This would be easier if you just created a separate category for each town, rather than a page. If you add a post to a particular category, it will automatically appear on that category archive.

    I would like to I would like to do a post, and have the excerpt show in the widget

    Again, if you create a category for each town, rather than a page, you can pull in the most recent post from each category into each separate widget. This will require some custom PHP, however. You will also need to install a PHP widget (there are a few to choose from) in order to add that PHP code to the widget.

    This page might help explain the categories/posts thing:

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