Increase Margin in Content Area

  • chirojstaub


    I would like to increase the margin in the content area for every page.

    How do I do this?

    my page:

    And on my sidebar widget menu. Is there any way to increase the text line size? I was able to increase it for the text in the content area but it did not seem to apply to the sidebar widget menu.

    Thank you,




    Please be more specific, what do you mean by increasing the margin in content area. Increase white background? Or really increase the margin of content division?

    For text line size I suppose you mean line height… In custom CSS add something like this:

    .sidebar li a {
    line-height: 25px;



    I used the sidebar custom CSS and it worked. Thank you very much.

    As for the margins, I want to have about a 1/2 inch of white space on both sides of the content area. I marked it up on a picture.


    I hope that helps,




    It helps…

    Try with this CSS:

    .entry-content {
    margin: 0 15px;

    Inches are not a valid measurement unit in electronic publishing, you have to switch to pixels, points or even better to percentage 🙂

    Also, be aware that since you put the google map code inside paragraph wrap you will have to adjust the width of the map, or even better wrap the map code inside some div and mark it with ID and then style it with css…:

    Inside post:

    <div id="mymap">
    here goes google map code


    #mymap {
    margin: 0 0 0 -25px;



    Awesome. Thank you!

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