Image display when sharing

  • Anonymous


    I want to be able to change the Image and the text that appears on Facebook when I share for example a URL of a post or a page.

    Like the below image.


    At my site when I share a post that has no image inserted but it has a featured image it doesn’t display the featured image but random images from the widgets.

    Is it possible to manage the image that appears?

    I use WordPress SEO by Yoast by the way but it doesn’t seems to have an option for this.



    Is my topic unsolved or I didn’t declare it correct?


    Kenneth John Odle


    You declared it correctly. It’s just that the theme doesn’t have a lot of control over what Facebook chooses to scrape from your site.



    Do a thorough search next time. You would’ve come up with this –



    In the topic you suggested it says to “insert the code Inside the <head> of your document”. Where Exactly in the post? On the HTML editor of the post or at the theme-editor.php. I tried in some posts but it didn’t worked. Any example would be useful.

    I’m sorry not familiar with HTML so much..


    Syahir Hakim

    On the HTML editor of the post or at the theme-editor.php. I tried in some posts but it didn’t worked. Any example would be useful.

    Don’t edit the theme files. You’ll lose those changes when you update the theme next time.

    To insert the code into the site’s <head> element, use the Graphene Options > Advanced > Custom <head> Tags.

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