I'd like to repalce the pink bars with blue in my video blog posts.

  • success4775


    Hi, I have pink outlines and bars around my video comments on my blog. Here’s the link: http://onlineincomepartners.com . Can anyone tell me how to make them blue or similar to the other bar colors? I’ve seen another comment about it but did not understand how to fix it. Thank you.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Support. Please post in the correct section next time.



    Does anyone know it there is a fix for this or not?


    Kenneth John Odle


    There’s no “fix” since nothing is technically broken, but…..

    The pink color is coming from the theme’s sprite image. To change it, you need to create a new image and use that for the background, or just use a solid color. The former would best be achieved through the use of a child theme; the latter could be obtained just by using the theme’s custom CSS function.

    We actually discussed this topic in here a while ago, but after an extensive search of the forum, I couldn’t find the thread.

    Let us know which option you feel comfortable with.



    When I add a video or audio in my blog the background / the top bar where the words video and the title are to be exact is pink. When I add a “link” to the blog instead the background is the blue I would like to have for the videos if that helps.

    Could you explain the simplest process to me and tell me what to enter into the ccs to make a blue background and where in the ccs code I would enter it or what I would replace? Been searching the ccs code and it’s quite long.

    Being new to both ccs and blogs I’m not very comfortable with the process but willing to try. Thanks



    Disregard my last questions. I’m closing this post as I can’t afford to wait so long for responses. Easier to just change themes. Thanks for your help anyway and best of luck…


    Kenneth John Odle


    Just a reminder: if you need support faster than you can get it from a free forum, you can always post it at http://jobs.wordpress.net.

    You will have to pay, and you may not get the answer any faster than you would get here.

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