How to use Author Page

  • Chris



    How in the world do I use the Author’s page? I’m using a child theme, and I copied the author.php file to the child theme and made it into a template, but isn’t there supposed to be an easier way to have a page designated as the “Author’s Page?”

    When I click on my name at the top of each post, it only shows a page of posts, but none of the information that I have entered, including my image. It does on the child theme template, but I get the feeling I’m missing something.




    The author info appears below your posts content.


    Syahir Hakim


    The theme’s author page template takes the info from the author’s profile. Take a look at the theme’s demo site for example:



    Ok, mine looks about like that. You do know, however, that the template is not available to select and apply to newly created pages. I had to copy the author.php file to my child theme, and then change the header of the author.php file so that it would be detected as a template that I could select when I created my author page.

    I guess what I’m asking is, is this the way it is meant to be? It’s working and looks just like the demo example, but for someone who does not know about child themes, or much about WordPress (I’m certainly not a pro myself), they would have no way of applying the author template to a page.

    Thanks again for your help and patience. I’m sure I’ll be back with questions because I love this theme ๐Ÿ™‚



    Can I ask what the “admin” means in the link you provided to the demo page? I’ve used wordpress for a couple of years but have never really had other users or authors. It’s always been one person sites. That’s why I figure I’m probably using the author page the wrong way. If it’s meant to be used differently, I would love to learn something new.

    Thanks again.



    Hope I didn’t insult. I really didn’t mean to. I’m just learning ๐Ÿ™‚


    Syahir Hakim


    There’s no need to create a separate author page. WordPress already generates the author page for each author using the author.php template file. That’s why you can’t select the template to be used for author page – there’s simply no need and it’s simply not meant to.

    “admin” in the link is the username of the author. Though I’ve changed it now to “syahir-hakim” on the site.



    Last question, I promise ๐Ÿ™‚ How do I view the author page for myself, like the example that you showed me On each post, I see the gravatar and the biography information that is set under my user profile, and I see my name at the top of the post (I’m going to disable it later because there’s no need to have that show on all of my posts since I’m the only author), but how do I see my own author page displayed like you had yours?

    I guess what I’m asking is, what if I had three users that wrote posts my for site, and someone wanted to see their author page and the posts associated with that person. How would they get to it (like the example you showed me)?

    I know I’m making this harder than it has to be and I do apologize.


    Kenneth John Odle


    I know I’m making this harder than it has to be

    Well, maybe it’s because WordPress makes things so easy. When someone writes a page, their name appears at the top. (You’re planning to disable this.) That name is a hyperlink. Just click on it and it will take you to their author page. You don’t have to set up anything.



    That’s what is driving me nuts, because it doesn’t work that way for me. I’ll give you a link to the site after I tell you how I have things set up. I’ve tried it other ways too, but when I click my name link in the one test post that I have, it takes me back to my home page.

    I have three pages:

    Home Page (Set to “Theme default” template, and set as static front page under “Reading” in WP settings).

    Contact Page

    Posts Page (which is set as the page for posts to display)

    My child theme only has a style sheet, a header, and a funtions file. I used the functions file because I found directions that Syahir had written previously on how to get the Yoast SEO plugin to work correctly without having to use the “Force Rewrites” option in the plug-in. That is all I have in the functions.php file (and it made the plugin work).

    I’m never going to use the author’s page for anything on this site, but I may on another. That’s why I just want to see what I’m doing wrong. It’s obviously something I’m doing wrong because you guys have no problem with it.

    Thanks for you guys help. The least I can do is go rate this theme 5 stars, so I’m going to do that now. The link is You will see the one test post in the sidebar.

    Thanks again.

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