How to Remove Email from Author Bio

  • stargazernc



    I’m using Graphene for ages and I really like it. It has been great.

    Now, I would like to show the author bio on every post, but would like to remove the email and/or other pieces of it (if needed) for privacy purposes. I know I can go to the author page and disable the email, but that is very cumbersome since we have a quite large base of authors.

    Is there a way to do this in bulk? A DB script could also work…



    Syahir Hakim


    Run this SQL query on the site’s database (you can do this through phpMyAdmin, for example). If you have custom table prefix other than the default wp_, be sure to edit the query below accordingly.

    Take a backup of the database before you run this query though, just in case.

    UPDATE wp_usermeta SET meta_value = 1 WHERE meta_key = 'graphene_author_hide_email';



    Hello Syahir,

    I’ve gave that a try and it works. Kind of… 🙂

    A select to the table for meta_key = ‘graphene_author_hide_email’ shows me a few records, i.e. does not show a record for each author.

    Nevertheless, it’s easy to just insert a record for every user missing it based on the Users table.

    So, thanks for this! It will solve my issue. 😉


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