How to hide/deactivate page path adress under menu

  • Marmes


    I updated Graphene theme to latest version 2.6.5 but now I see under the menu page path adress. How to hide or disable to showing this?






    Sorry, Updated Graphene version number is 2.7.5 🙂



    Probably I figuered out what caused this. I accidentally activated Breadcrumbs in Yoast SEO, but unfortunately there is no Disable button anymore. Not in Yoast SEO and not in Graphene settings. What to do? Is it bug in Yoast or Graphene theme? Thank You!


    Syahir Hakim


    Looks like Yoast SEO removes the option to disable breadcrumbs once the theme has declared support for that feature.

    We’ll add a fix for this in the next theme update. In the mean time, add the following code to Customizer > Additional CSS to hide the breadcrumbs:

    .breadcrumb-yoast {
    	display: none;



    Thanks for this, had the same issue. I have always had breadcrumbs disabled.

    If we keep it enabled, is there a way to change the color of the breadcrumbs background in the theme color settings? I am unable to change it.



    But for example, if I keep breadcrumbs enabled, is it useful for google indexing? Does Google index webpage more effectively or does the webpage be more visible or found better in internet?
    What is the point of breadcrumbs?


    Syahir Hakim


    If we keep it enabled, is there a way to change the color of the breadcrumbs background in the theme color settings? I am unable to change it.

    The breadcrumbs colour follows the settings for “Archives”.

    What is the point of breadcrumbs?

    Primarily it assists visitors in navigating your site, particularly if your site has a lot of content. It’s good for user experience. Other than that, you can read about its general advantages here:

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