How to Float Adsense Beside Header

  • CJ


    Hi Syahir –

    First of all, thank you for the great theme. I’ve used several other themes, and the back end of this one is by far the most user-friendly and comprehensive. I’ll be supporting you via purchasing the mobile version soon. =)

    Here’s my site:

    I am trying to figure out how to float a vertical adsense banner on the left side of the container, over the background image. I’ve been trying to use the action hooks, but I can’t seem to figure out which one will have the desired functionality of making the ad appear BESIDE the container. Thus far everything I’ve tried to use pushes the container itself down. If you look for the word “testing” on the page now, that’s an example of what keeps happening. I did that one in the includes/theme_head.php custom graphene style action hook. I’ve had similar results from using the header.php graphene_container_before action hook. I’ve also tried every other action hook that seems reasonable, but they all seem to be inside the container itself.

    My hope had been to find an action hook that was close and then use the custom css to move it around like you’ve recommended in other places:

    #text-? {

    margin-left: ?px;

    margin-top: ?px;


    Am I just missing the correct action hook to use? Or is this plan not going to work out for me?

    Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me!

    – CJ =)


    Kenneth John Odle


    Actually, you could use Graphene’s built-in header widget and control the position via css. See this (ancient) post for details:

    Also, check out my main website ( where I accomplish the same thing in a non-WordPress environment. It’s all about the CSS.



    Yay, that was exactly the kind of post I was looking for. It worked! Thank you!

    – CJ

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