How to change the comment reply text colour?

  • thecritter99


    Hi there,

    Almost got my site up and running, but a bit puzzled on this one. Used Firebug for everything else which is excellent, but can’t figure this one out. How do I change the font colour of the reply and sub-replies to all my posts? By default, I think it is black.

    Thanks in advance 🙂


    Syahir Hakim





    The bit concerned is the comments section of the ‘About’ article. I would like the reply comment text (in main reply and sub-replies) to be changed from black to something more easy to read. By the way, thankyou for the theme Syahir.


    Syahir Hakim


    Add to your child theme’s style.css file or the Custom CSS option:

    .comment-entry {
    color: #929292;



    That works a treat! Thanks 🙂 Is it too late to create a child theme now I have changed a lot of the default colours? I want to upgrade both WordPress and Graphene and I am scared of losing my changes!


    Syahir Hakim


    If you haven’t made a child themes and have made changes to the theme’s files, you will lose those changes when you update. There’s just no way around it except to port all those changes to a child theme.

    You can update WordPress just fine though, it shouldn’t affect the changes you made to the theme.

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