how to change "LATEST ARTICLES" in front page section; how to remove front page section co

  • hanghang2015



    Just wondering how do I change LATEST ARTICLES title to other text in the front page section and how can I just have the silver without the front page section.





    in Franz Josef theme


    Syahir Hakim


    Currently you can only change the text if you’re using a child theme for Franz Josef. Let us know if you’re already using one.



    yeah, just installed a child theme for franz josef theme, where do i go from there? thank you syahir


    Syahir Hakim


    Create a functions.php file in your child theme, then add this code into that file:

    * Modify the posts stack heading
    function fjd_stack_args( $args, $stack ) {
    if ( is_front_page() && $stack == 'posts' ) {
    $args['title'] = 'Premium Features';

    return $args;
    add_filter( 'franz_stack_args', 'fjd_stack_args', 10, 2 );

    Modify the title as necessary in the above code.

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