How to change font for posts

  • esiebert7625


    I was running a real old version of Graphene, I was having issues with comments not showing so I upgraded to the latest version which fixes the issue. Having done this was a mistake as all my customizations were wiped out. One in particular that changed was the font for my post content. Having seen no way to adjust the fonts in graphene settings, I bought the Plus version which has font settings, I feel like that may have been mistake #2 as judging from these forums and no entries in 6 months their might not be support anymore. Also it looks like there have been no updates to the theme in years so why are you still selling it.

    Anyway if anyone is out there, how can I change the font of my post content? I go to typography and change the Content font and it does not change the body of the post only the title information.

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