How to activate a widget?

  • oryan


    I am trying to get my “Photo of the Day” widget to work and I see something about “don’t forget to activate my widget”

    How do I activate?




    Kenneth John Odle


    Go to “Plugins”, search for the plugin in the list, and click on “Activate.”

    If you install plugins through the Plugins pane of WordPress, they usually give you the option to activate the plugin right after installation. I presume that you installed a plugin via FTP?



    Thanks for your reply….

    I uploaded it from my website..not through a ftp program.

    I looked and it shows all my plugins have been activated..

    my site is

    you can see on the right side it shows that the “Photo of the day” widget is there…maybe I am doing something wrong so that a photo does not show up?

    What I am trying to do, is to put my photo on that side so people can put a face with the blog…any ideas or thoughts?

    After that then I can start working on the header:)

    Thanks so much!



    Kenneth John Odle


    Okay, the plugin is activated, so it’s probably a matter of playing with its settings, which usually show up in the “Settings” pane, down below.


    You don’t need a plugin for that. Here is a much simpler way:




    Thanks Kenneth. You have been a great help….

    I am sure you will see me again when I start doing my…..

    By the way I looked at your link, and noticed that you have one solid photo in your background. How did you do that?..I always have to settle for tile or something….

    Thanks a bunch!!!!



    Kenneth John Odle


    Background info is here:

    And I usually recommend that people don’t set their backgrounds to scroll. It looks a bit more professional if the background is fixed.



    Thanks so much…You have been an awesome help!!!!

    Thanks again


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