How do I change the color and/or font of h2 – h5?

  • Corine


    Dear support team,

    How do I change the color of h2 – h5? I have looked everywhere on this forum but probably missed it. Could you please help me?




    h2 {
    font: normal 18px/24px arial;

    h3 {
    font: bold 16px/22px georgia;

    h4 {
    font: italic 14px/18px tahoma;

    h5 [
    font: ;

    Hyperspace Geek


    Hi Prasanna,

    I too need to know how to change the color of my Headings. I changed my background to black so now my headings are hard to see.

    Where would the html code above be placed?




    @Hyperspace Geek, it is css code. Not HTML

    Graphene Options –> Display —> custom CSS

    Hyperspace Geek


    I just place the following CSS code where you mentioned but it doesn’t have any effect

    h4 {

    color: #fff;




    Dear team,

    I am still having the same problem namely the changing of the colors of my headings. I don’t know much coding so could you please tell me which code I should put where?

    Thank you!


    Kenneth John Odle


    I just place the following CSS code where you mentioned but it doesn’t have any effect


    This is for a level 4 heading. If you don’t have any of those in your posts/pages, you won’t notice any changes.

    If you do, then refresh your browser cache, empty your server cache (if you are using a caching plugin) and view your site again.

    I don’t know much coding

    Start here:

    and here:



    Great, thank you! Last question…. where should I put it?



    In your child theme style sheet or in Graphene Options –> Display —> custom CSS

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