How do I change color on this line?

  • KingSwiff


    How do I change color on this line?




    This is the current code:

    .menu-bottom-shadow {
    background: url('images/sprite_h.png') repeat-x scroll left top #EEE;

    Change it to this one (with your desired color):

    .menu-bottom-shadow {
    background: repeat-x scroll left top #000000 !important;

    The line is an image images/sprite_h.png so you either change the color in a graphic editing software such as Gimp to keep the gradient effect or you use the code above.

    You can also check out the following link to get the gradient effect but I haven’t tested it.



    Your are right, this works – but the line are very thick – and whenever I put in “1px”, it have no effect.

    How can I make the line 1px thick?

    You have helped me several times, can I ask for your first name, Anonymous?


    Kenneth John Odle



    .menu-bottom-shadow {
    background: none;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #999;



    Just as addition, you can use border-top instead of border-bottom in the code Kenneth posted. This displays the line right below the navigation bar just like it originally was.





    Thanks again guys!

    Exactly what I want and look better, In my opinion 🙂

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