How did you this?

  • Preycon


    This is your example site, I’m asking how I can to put a static page with links to other post like in the image



    Kenneth John Odle


    Moved to Support. Please post in the correct section next time.

    The front page you see there is actually a combination of options:

    First, that’s a static home page. That’s actually a WordPress option. You can find out how to do that here:

    Second, the excerpts of posts down below are homepage panes. That’s a Graphene option. Go to

    Graphene Options >> General Options >> Homepage Panes

    and make sure that the box marked “Disable homepage panes” is NOT ticked.





    Thank you!

    Now in the same example page, you have more pages doing something similar and those aren’t home pages:


    Sorry for asking but this is my first site and blog and I want to do it as best as I can 🙂


    Kenneth John Odle


    In this example, “Features and Functionalities” is a parent page.

    The rest of the pages are “child pages.” When you edit a page, you get an opportunity to select who its parent will be. It’s in one of the option areas to the right, I believe. If you can’t find it, you may have to activate it through the screen options:



    Thank you so much sir!

    This is solved 😉



    Excuse me, another question:

    In the first picture I posted it shows something similiar like a ‘resume’ for the post/page (just showing 2 lines of tex) and when you click in the button ‘read more’ it shows the page with the full text.

    How can I do the same?


    Kenneth John Odle


    Homepage panes automatically show excerpts.

    If you want to control the length of the excerpt, you’ll need a child theme. Search this forum as we have described how to do this many times.

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