header widget with link overrides "link header image to front page"

  • annvb1


    Hi again –

    I’ve got an image posted in the header via a header widget, on http://dhanaecokids.com. That image (source awards) links to an outside site about the source awards. It’s my intention that only the image should link to the source awards, and the rest of the header should link to the home page for Dhana. Unfortunately, it appears that the header widget thinks of itself as occupying the entire space from the upper left corner of the header to the lower right corner of the widget image, and if one clicks anywhere in that entire occupied space, the link sends you to the Source Awards site. So if you click on the top edge of the Dhana EcoKids logo, for example, you won’t go home as intended. How do I fix this apparent override of the “Link Header Image to Front Page” setting that I chose in Graphene options?

    As always, thank you so much.



    You have

    padding-left: 780px;

    for that image. Change that to

    margin-left: 780px !important;

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