Header Problem

  • kaye


    I uploaded pictures for the rotating header. I deleted two of the images through my NetFTP.

    Even though the pictures are no longer showing in the WordPress admin area, the little circle that you use to check the image for the header remained where the pictures had been.

    Now my site displays no header when it gets to the place where those two deleted images were. Is there any way to fix this problem?


    Kenneth John Odle


    Try deleting them through the media library and see if that takes care of it.

    Moved to support to get a speedier and/or better response.




    I don’t know why I didn’t think of that, but I was assuming once I deleted them from wp-content theme images that they would be permanently removed. Thank you! That did the trick!



    I was going to edit the title of this post to add [RESOLVED] but I don’t see an edit button on it…



    Thanks! My problem is also resolved!



    Syahir Hakim

    I was going to edit the title of this post to add [RESOLVED] but I don’t see an edit button on it…

    I just added the feature and was about to set the status to Resolved myself, but I thought I’d save it for you 😀

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