Header Option

  • Anonymous


    If there is no text to be displayed in the header graphic, then move the [A HREF] before the [DIV] so the background image hot links back to the web site.


    Syahir Hakim


    I’m pretty sure that’s not valid XHTML, since inline element (<a>) cannot contain a block-level element (<div>).

    Jacques d'Nalgar


    But… is there a way to make the entire header area a clickable area (w/ CSS to change cursor), such that the same end result is achieved? That is, to be able to click anywhere in the header (or on designated parts of it) to jump home? Will probably require some basic javascript and maybe some jQuery, but shouldn’t be too difficult, should it?


    Syahir Hakim


    This feature has already been added to the latest version, which is currently in the review queue at the WordPress.org theme repository.

    Jacques d'Nalgar


    Thanks, Syahir. Really a great theme!

    Jacques d'Nalgar


    Syahir, I upgraded yesterday and did not notice this change. Is it in a still-future update?

    Jacques d'Nalgar


    Never mind — I see it now…

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