Graphene and qTransalte: please help me

  • Andrea155


    Hello to all. I’d like wanted to create in my site ( the option multiluange, with English and French. I installed the plugin qtransalte, after

    1) WP in French I extracted the files Mo

    2) I copied the files in the installation directory wordpress.,

    The WP dashboard now has the menu in French, but unfortunately Graphene theme remained in the mother language (English).

    Precise as described by Prasanna in I installed a child theme, which has a css file changed, and a file function.phop empty.

    How can I make it appear on the home page of the site 2 cambioo flag for the language, and how can I make Graphene ayutomaticamente change the menu structure, and page titles?

    Thanks for help me!




    Kenneth John Odle


    The plugin you mentioned is only for on-the-fly translations, not permanent translations.



    Hi Kenneth, i’m a beginner.. apologize me for don’t understand your reply..

    I can try to use q translate for momentaneous translate in graphene’s menu, not permanent translation; i mean, when selected french flag, i’d like that plugin translates graphene’s menù

    Thanks a lot



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