Franz Josef Stack: Posts > Leave a comment

  • killer77


    Hi. I’ve created homepage using Page Builder and put on it Franz Josef Stack: Posts. Why FJ still shows “Leave a comment” when I disabled comments?


    Syahir Hakim


    Please provide the URL to your site so that we can take a look.



    Hi Syahir. Link:

    As yopu can see there is still “Leave a comment”. If I turn off Comments (Franz Josef Theme Options > Addons Options > Commenting > Disable completely), it should automatically disappear? Or maybe there is one more switch to turn off?


    Syahir Hakim


    OK, we’ll fix that in the next update. For now, you can hide the link with this Custom CSS code:

    .posts-list .comments-count {
    display: none;



    I knew the CSS will be the only way 🙂 but it’s nice you will implement this fix in next update. Thank you for checking and solution.

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