Footer widget in footer

  • Jeff Jefson100


    I am sorry for posting this in mobile support forum. Please delete this subject in there.


    Is there an option to add 3 column text widget in the footer itself, not in the footer widget area, (it is possible) so it looks nice?

    In addition, I have noticed the graphene menu possibility, but I like widgets.

    I now have 3 different widgets placed in the footer in 1 row.

    I want widgets in 3 columns. With a Headline and some links underneath these.

    Widget has different ID. Therefore, I need some kind of complete css code for all 3 widget, to play with.

    Or how can I modify the styling of the footer widget area so that it looks like it’s part of the footer?


    Kenneth John Odle


    Link to site?

    BTW, most of us use a custom menu in the footer custom menu area, which automatically formats itself quite nicely. You might want to play around with it to see if you like it.

    I have noticed the graphene menu possibility, but I like widgets.

    These are really separate items (although there is overlap in certain cases), so it’s not so much a matter of preferring one over the other.

    Jeff Jefson100


    You’re right, it looks nice and it is a better solution than widgets. Thank you Kenneth J. O

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