Footer widget background color

  • Anonymous


    Good day,

    Would someone mind helping with this? I can’t get the light colors out of the background of my front page footers. Can someone point me to where I need to edit them please?




    Kenneth John Odle


    I think you are looking for this id and class:

    I haven’t had time to test this yet, but Josh knows what he’s doing.

    Good luck!


    Kenneth John Odle


    Sorry, just noticed this is “mobile” and not “web.” Not sure if that will work, but worth a try. (I know nothing about the mobile theme…yet.)


    Syahir Hakim


    Looks like you are referring to the Graphene theme and not the Graphene Mobile theme. In that case, something like this would work:

    #sidebar_bottom {
    background: color;

    Obviously, replace the color with the colour code you want to use.

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