Footer Problems

  • CC


    If you click on a post from my home page it opens the page but causes the post title to be displayed multiple times in the Footer?? Anyone help fix this…


    Kenneth John Odle


    This is caused by one of your plugins—whichever one is creating the annoying popup when I click on a link to a next or previous article. Disable it and your issue should resolve itself.

    Not a bug, so moved to Support.



    Are you sure, thought the “older” or “newer” posts were part of the Theme. Not sure which pop up you are referring to, do you mean when you click on the header text of the post? let me know and I will check it out.




    Kenneth John Odle


    Graphene displays the title of the next post and the previous post just above the post itself. When I click on one of these in your blog, rather than being taken to the next or previous post, an annoying pop-up appears.

    Try disabling all of your plugins temporarily to see if the issue goes away. If it does, we can assume it’s one of your plugins.



    @Kenneth, Thanks for your help. It was an RSS feed plugiin conflicting with WP becasue of the way it links the header text, disabled it and its working now.



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