Extra Custom Side Bar Widet

  • xala


    One of the things I really like about this theme is the ability to have different content in the side bar on the front page.

    I do not know if it is possible but for me it would be even better to have a way to add an extra custom side bars on another page as well.

    So the widget side bars could be set up to show:

    Front page side bar

    Standard side bar

    Custom side bar



    Syahir Hakim


    There’s a plugin called “Widget Logic” that you can use to display different sidebar items on different pages.



    Thanks, I’ll take a look.

    I am also playing with the footer widget area and found it displays the content down in a single column instead of across the page. (see http://www.1187sqn-atc.org.uk/ as it is at the moment). I have selected 4 columns in the display options.

    Is there a way to place an item of content into these selected columns to make the footer spread horizontally across the page please?


    Syahir Hakim


    Use 4 widgets in the Footer Widget Area instead of just one.



    Easy when you know how – cheers

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