Events website, highly coded.. is it even graphene? I hear you ask…

  • Skivey


    You may remember a few years back I created a website for my milkshake bar. It was featured in the FAQs of Graphene to showcase the possibilities of graphene.

    After the update to v2 the website completely broke and I sort of gave up… well, I decided to have another go and WOW.. v2 is so much more robust!

    So I was given a piece of paper with a website design and I was asked “Can you do this?” My reply was of course I could! So I used a different theme. It was so hard to do, and the developer ended up unsupporting the theme, so I decided to come back to graphene and give it another shot. Im glad I did.

    The website is still in development, so In the coming days the website will be permanantly at but temporarily it is at

    The website took me 4 solid days to build and consists of around 600 extra lines of CSS. 3 or 4 extra widget areas and a ton of plugins. If anyone would like any advice or ideas on how I did something then just ask and id be happy to oblige

    I would be extremely greatful of feedback from anyone. Im hoping its going to be positive!




    Website is now live! 🙂



    I made the exact same experience as Skivey did. After working a lot with Graphene v1, which had already a ton of useful functions, I switched to Genesis because one of my clients had multiple sites with Genesis and honestly – I got used to this frame work pretty fast. Having said that I also admit that Graphene has always been in the back of my mind when it comes to developing something more creative, more functional and easier to design.
    Long story short: After an older Graphene site broke I had to go into v2 and was simply amazed.
    Strong and robust, super easy to maintain and endless possibilities from fonts and colors, layouts and sizes to functions and hooks. Simply stunning! So I switched back to Graphene and I’m glad I did. Life is a bit easier again…:-)

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