Error with Graphene mobile, Woocommerce and Nextgen

  • ysraz


    I have just installed Graphene Mobile on my site.
    The site is installed as a sub-domain running my store, using Woocommerce.
    Graphene is installed separately for the sub-domain, because I needed to keep Woocommerce off the main site.
    Also installed is Nextgen Gallery, for displaying image galleries of products.

    When viewing the product categories on an Android phone, I get an error message:

    error: you must supply the post id to get the image from as an argument when calling the .mgraohene_get_host_image() function

    When entering a product, I don’t have that issue.
    An example can be viewed by phone at

    Any ideas?
    Thank’s in advance


    Syahir Hakim


    Hi @ysraz,

    Looks like the Jetpack mobile theme is currently active on your store instead of Graphene Mobile. Is this intentional?



    Thank’s – didn’t realize that.
    Even after disabling the Jetpack Mobile, the error message appears.


    Syahir Hakim


    Thanks. We’ve released an update (version 1.2.12) that should fix this issue. Please apply the update and let me know how it goes.




    Thanks! That solved the issue.

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