Error in messageblock

  • maurizio


    I am working with WP 3.3 and Graphene 1.6 and Graphene Mobile 1.1.7


    Works wrong with actual plugins: 2 Click Social Media Buttons and GD Star Rating. I disabled GD Star Rating.

    Also works wrong in graphene mobile.


    Kenneth John Odle


    Yes, I noticed a conflict with the WordPress Related Posts plugin also when message blocks are at the top of the post. You can see an example here:

    If there are no message blocks, the Related Posts plugin displays correctly, as here:

    Plugin page is here:



    @Ken, just for an update, it is not happening in my site!

    In this post, I’ve used message blocks, and the related posts plugin is still working! –

    Edit: I haven’t selected auto insert option. I used an action hook widget instead.



    Is there a timeframe for fixing the problem?

    I also have the Problem with “Yet Another Related Posts Plugin”. Related posts are displayed in every messageblock.



    For your first problem, use graphene_after_post_content action hook widget and add a text widget with the short code – [relatedPosts]

    Action hook widget resources,

    1. Graphene Theme Feature Highlight: Action Hooks Widget Areas

    2. Graphene Action Hook Widgets – an easy way to modify your blog

    Video tutorials by Josh,




    With the update, it changed my warning, unwanted highlighting navigation bar, duplication of FB comments including the error messages…how do I get these things back and corrected! I finally, got it to working and looking good and now this. You didn’t help me the last time with the login page for the theme! Can I expect and get help with this?


    Syahir Hakim



    These things should be understood as unwritten laws of common courtesy, but it seems like a reminder is required time and again. No one here is obligated to help you, and your attitude as if you’re the boss and being helped is your birthright that others must accommodate won’t win you any favours either.

    Understand that we’re doing what we do for the theme voluntarily by sacrificing our own time and putting in unpaid work and effort.The least you can do is show some appreciation for the countless hours we’ve spent to continuously develop the theme and provide support for its users.

    Sent via Android using Tapatalk. Please excuse my brevity.



    @gbismarc did you close the notice block with [/notice]?

    We provide free support in our spare time. So, please be patient. To be honest, I think you should read these 5 lines by Syahir,

    1. The Graphene theme is a free theme

    2. All development work and support that we provide for the theme is completely voluntary

    3. Neither me nor anyone else is obligated to provide you with an update or support for the theme

    4. But we do anyway at the expense of our own personal time that we could have spent with family and friends

    5. That we could charge every single person who are using the theme a set price and then never bother with incremental and substantial updates and support so that nobody would complain over an update that we spent so much time and effort on.



    Can I uninstall the update, my ads are gone…the hooks aren’t working and revert back to previous?



    @gbismarc did you close the notice block with [/notice]? No…I used the visual editor for important [important][/important] and warning the same way! They both were OK before the upgrade and you have an example of the green important notice on your site! I took out the blocks (deleted) the codes! If I should close using [/notice], I would think that an open and close notice before the [important]block…I’ll give that a try!

    The unwanted highlighting is in the menu bar…I can live with that!

    One more problem is the date (inline date for rss feeds)is to close to the links! I would think that a css problem. I just need to know where to start to possible correct these bugs in the system!

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