Error everytime I update

  • ironzy12


    Hey Everyone,

    I have just uploaded my site to a live server ( and I am uploading all the content.

    Most times when I update I get this error message;

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/primoris/public_html/wp-content/themes/graphene/functions.php:39) in /home/primoris/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881

    The Error message is the same, just the ‘line’ value changes. The message also comes up when you click on a link on my home page..

    Also when I try to install a plug-in I get this message too;

    An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.

    Try again

    Anyone know the issue?


    Kenneth John Odle


    The “headers already sent by” error means that you have a space before the opening <?php or after the closing ?> tag in your functions.php file. If you are using a child theme or if you have modified the theme files (which you should never do; use a child theme instead), you will need to correct that issue and reupload the functions.php file.

    That message can also be created by the same spaces problem in your config.php file.

    The second error is most likely an error in your config.php file. Reupload a clean copy and the issue should go away. It is also possible that this is due to your host using an older version of PHP.

    The requirements for the current version of WordPress are here:



    I am running via Crazy Domains with the following versions

    Apache version 2.2.22

    PHP version 5.3.10

    MySQL version 5.5.24-cll

    I have tried a re-install of the WordPress (v3.4) but I got this error

    The package could not be installed.: PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

    I have changed the functions.php to support multiple secondary menus’s but from what I can see there are no spaces before or after the open/close..

    it’s becoming quite difficult for a beginner like me to get it going! I have a perfectly running version on my local machine that I built via BitNami but I couldnt upload the local site to live properly so I have gone through updating page by page, but I keep getting this error!!

    Does anyone know the theme enough and can be paid to install and get it running properly?


    Kenneth John Odle


    that I built via BitNami

    I have no idea what this is, but you shouldn’t have to build anything.

    1. Install WordPress.

    2. Install Graphene.

    3. Make changes via a child theme. Do not hack core theme or WP files!

    This page might have some helpful information:



    BitNami is a program that you can use to install wordpress locally on your computer to build a site up, sets up a sql db on the computer.

    So at the moment I have a fully functional wordpress site sitting on my computer but I cannot get it online!

    I installed via Fantasico, I might try to uninstall everything and try again!



    I installed via Fantasico,..

    NEVER use Fantastico. All problems starts the moment you hit “Install WordPress” button!


    Kenneth John Odle


    +1 to Prasanna. You need a better host, preferably one that doesn’t use Fantastico.

    For the record, I’m not a big fan of cPanel, either.



    Ok, well I will uninstall and reinstall without Fantasico and see how I go..

    Prasanna, if I cannot get the site live myself and if I have a local copy of the site, do you have anyone that can put it online (for a fee obviously) and give it a slight tweak to make it a little more IE friendly (looks good on Chrome, not as good on IE)?



    …I cannot get the site live myself and if I have a local copy of the site, do you have anyone that can put it online…

    I can do it.

    …make it a little more IE friendly…

    Hmm.. Most allergic question for a developer/designer. Not impossible though..



    Also, don’t use BitNami, EasyPHP etc, etc, for local wordpress installation. Best bet for WordPress local installation is, LAMP for Linux and xampp for Windoze & Mac.

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