Double images in homepage panes

  • carrie01


    I am trying to have homepage panes which are pages with just an image and a little bit of text. The image keeps doubling up. I have tried using different size images and using or not using the thumbnail option. Each time I have deleted the previous image from the media library but 2 images still show on the homepage pane. I have remembered to update. I copied the following css from this forum to restyle the panes. Could that be causing the double image? The css is as follows:

    .homepage_pane .post-excerpt {
    color: #444444;
    font: 12px/18px arial;
    .homepage_pane .post-title a, .homepage_pane .post-title a:visited {
    color: #385D8A;
    font: bold 16px arial;
    .homepage_pane .post-title a:hover {
    color: #DD7700;
    font: bold 16px arial;
    .two-columns .homepage_pane {
    width: 45.4% !important;

    Syahir Hakim


    URL to your site?



    Sorry – I am using wampserver on localhost.



    It’s almost impossible to troubleshoot without a visual inspection of your site. It could be anything from a plugin conflict to improper customization of theme (or child theme) files.

    Without anything to manually test… we are pretty much incapable of helping to resolve this issue.

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