Does not Upgrade to 3.5

  • Anonymous


    Hello I am using Graphene theme at two sites currently. and Until now I was waiting the Greek version of WordPress 3.5 which was released yesterday. At the upgrade was done properly but at it doesn’t upgrade. When I press Upgrade it does nothing.

    Any ideas?

    Should I enable the Debugger to find errors?



    Disable ALL plugins and try to update. If that fails, keeping all plugins disabled, switch to default twentyeleven theme and try to update.



    I tried all the above. Still doesn’t Upgrade.



    Should I try to upgrade manualy?



    Change language to default English and try to update. Yes, turn on debug mode and report issues if any.

    Check for directory writing permission problems. If nothing resolves the issue, you may do a manual update.



    I dont know why but it doesn’t seem to display any notices or errors when I enabled the “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);” Also I changed the Language to English but still nothing. It doesn’t want to be upgraded.

    Any Ideas?

    I’m stuck.



    Ok it has been Upgraded Finally. Thanks for the Advises.

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