Disqus comments count

  • epy0N



    firstly let me express my gratitude for making this great theme. It looks fantastic and overall works really great.

    But I have stumbled upon a problem regarding comments not counting using Disqus plugin. Comments are displayed properly in a single post view, but they are not counted on the front page. Is there a way to fix it?


    Syahir Hakim


    The front page counts the comments in the WordPress database. Make sure you enable “Comment importing” in Disqus settings, which will sync the comments on Disqus with your site’s database. This happens periodically though, so new comments won’t be reflected immediately in the comment count.



    Comment importing is enabled, but still counting doesn’t work.

    I’ve tried turning of all the plugins – no effect.

    I’ve turned on another theme – and it works.

    With Franz Josef comments are syncing properly only when I manually click the sync option in the plugin options.

    Also I think is worth to mention, that ‘Render JavaScript in external files’ and ‘Output JavaScript in footer’ options are also turned on.

    Theme version: 1.7.3.

    Plugin version: 2.85.



    Sorry for resurrecting this issue, though since it’s reoccurring and I consider it relevant, please let me have another shot at it:

    Which is at fault by now? Disqus, who’s development has halted for more than half a year at this point, or Graphene, that used to work just fine with Disqus comments before but now doesn’t count the comments correctly, even if you set it to automatically synchronize (which by the way only works with the version 2.84, while the beta version, 3.0.5, doesn’t even let me put up my API info in its configurations sometimes).

    Or maybe it’s even worse: The whole thing got shafted by WP 4.9.x, thus rendering Disqus unusable in this environment.

    I’m betting on WP-Disqus integration being abandoned the culprit, but I’d love to see something conclusive from someone far more knowledgeable than I, such as a Graphene developer.

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