disable Google Fonts

  • sempai0815


    I need a way to disable google fonts because of the dsgvo.

    Does anybody has an idea how?




    I have the same problem. How can I disable google fonts? Any help?
    Is there a way to host the font on my server?

    Here is my site: mprbretten.de

    Plugins doesn’t work to disable it…

    I found this in my code:

    WebFontConfig = {
    google: {
    families: [“Lato:400,400i,700,700i&display=swap”] }

    (function(d) {
    var wf = d.createElement(‘script’), s = d.scripts[0];
    wf.src = ‘https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1.6.26/webfont.js’;
    wf.async = true;
    s.parentNode.insertBefore(wf, s);



    Found the Solution. Host the fonts locally:

    Go to Customizer > Graphene: Advanced > Scripts Options, and tick the option that says “Host theme fonts and scripts locally”.



    awesome !!! You made my day!

    And Graphene Support, thank you for nothing !



    I had the same problem with the privacy policy. I searched many hours for a solution.

    By the way: If your are using recaptcha v3 from google, you will also have a connection to google fonts…
    Now I try Honeypot for Contact 7.

    Best regards…

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