Different size header on homepage and inside pages

  • headly


    I have a site with a 150 pixel banner in the header of graphene as a featured image. On the home page i’m using kreatura’s layerslider with this code in the header.php: <div id="myslider"><?php if ( is_page( 'home' )) echo do_shortcode('[layerslider id="1"]'); ?>; </div> The issue is that i need 300 pixels, not 150, for the home page slider (pushing the top #nav menu down). Any ideas if it’s possible, and if it’s a matter of just css or different php. TIA



    Using KJO’s suggestion from another post (i couldn’t find a link) i was able to resolve the issue with css. For the home page with an id of 6 it was:

    .page-id-6 #header { height: 300px !important; }


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