Custom sidebar on every single page (premium plugin) and knowledge base

  • razek


    Hey there again:)

    I would like to buy your premium addons (all of them;) ) and I’m wondering, if there is a possibility to make a custom sidebar on every single page?

    Currently, I’m working on Pressapps Knowledge Base plugin and I would like to place my articles on sidebar, but the hard part is that every page should have a custom sidebar articles on it. I know that I can do that using the sidebar widget but only on main page.

    How about doing that on custom pages ?



    You can do this with a number of plugins, my favourite is Content Aware Sidebars, there is also Woosidebars


    Syahir Hakim

    Currently, I’m working on Pressapps Knowledge Base plugin and I would like to place my articles on sidebar, but the hard part is that every page should have a custom sidebar articles on it. I know that I can do that using the sidebar widget but only on main page.

    It would be a lot more efficient to develop a custom widget that you can then select which articles appear in the widget for every page. This way, you won’t need to maintain a lot of custom sidebars in the Widgets page.

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