Custom Post Types in Slider

  • mprysyaz


    Hi! First of all, big thanx for the great theme. And here is my question:

    I have created custom post type “books”. How can I change the slider to show “books” instead of “post”



    Graphene Theme Options


    Slider Options


    What do you want to show in the slider


    Show specific posts/pages

    Go to posts on dashboard and hover the mouse on “books” post.

    you’ll see an address on the statu bar.

    in the example.. “9” is your post ID



    Hi! Thank you for this tip. But I have already tried to use this option of slider. I have provided ID of the post and saved all other options not changed. Slider is empty. 🙁



    Post your site URL



    Hi! Here is link to my test web site:

    As you can see there is “Books” page for all books items.


    Syahir Hakim


    You would need to create a child theme first for this. See here for instructions:

    Post back again when you’ve created a child theme, or if you need any help doing that.



    Hi Syahir,

    I have already created child theme. I have created folder and styles.css file for it. Do I need to make some php files for it?


    Syahir Hakim


    Yes, make a functions.php file in your child theme and add this code:

    * Modify the post types to be displayed in the slider
    function graphene_slider_post_type(){
    return array( 'post-type' );
    add_filter( 'graphene_slider_post_type', 'graphene_slider_post_type' );

    Replace post-type with the post type you want to be displayed in the slider.

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