Couple of issues after 2.0

  • bsacue


    Hi Syahir,

    I’ve been using graphene theme a good few years now and its to me the best theme out there with many of options and massive support so firstly i want to say i kind of like the new version although at first i almost cried when it changed but I’ve have a change of heart and see the mobile benefit of it now.
    So well done and keep it up…..

    Saying that i have a few minor problems that takes the look away from my site which i would like assistance with please since I’m not very good with codes as you know so would appreicate any advice on how to correct these.

    The best way for me to describe is via a image so HERE is a picture and circled are my issues which ill explain a bit more below.

    1] Top icons and date, since the update my Email icon doesn’t work nor show anymore this was my form of contact for people, i used a custom mailto in social profiles which doesn’t show no longer, also notice date aligned left which used to be centre from a code by prasanna.

    2] Slider using feature images as you can see they are all blown up/stretched and don’t look right, I’ve tried changing this to use first image in post which results the same.

    3] The arrows on the slider images are not showing correctly

    4] The widget area seems to be miss shaped now maybe i can resolve this by making bigger images something I’ll try later as it seems to be the visual editor widget only?

    One thing i have noticed the slider stretched issues do not show when on mobile device but the arrows issue is still out of sync, only via my home computor and my wifes just in case it was a cache thing.

    Thank you for your time again


    Syahir Hakim


    1] Top icons and date, since the update my Email icon doesn’t work nor show anymore this was my form of contact for people, i used a custom mailto in social profiles which doesn’t show no longer

    There’ll be an update shortly which will allow you to add the email icon.

    also notice date aligned left which used to be centre from a code by prasanna.

    Add this code to Additional CSS:

    #graphene-dynamic-widget-graphene_top_bar {
       text-align: center;
       color: #ccc;

    2] Slider using feature images as you can see they are all blown up/stretched and don’t look right, I’ve tried changing this to use first image in post which results the same.

    We have a fix ready for this as well, which will be in version 2.0.2.

    3] The arrows on the slider images are not showing correctly

    This is because of some styling in the WP Fancy Message Box plugin affecting the arrows in the slider. Try adding the following code to Additional CSS to fix it:

    .carousel .left:after, .carousel .right:after {
       display: none;
    .carousel .left, .carousel .right {
       padding: 0;
       margin: 0;

    4] The widget area seems to be miss shaped now maybe i can resolve this by making bigger images something I’ll try later as it seems to be the visual editor widget only?

    You will need bigger images, or you can decrease the width of the sidebar.



    Perfect fixes syahir so far looking forward to the update to solve the rest, many thanks!



    Just to update you after the latest update, the two problems I’m still having problems with are still the same after 2.0.2 slider images still stretched and email icon still won’t show sorry.
    I have cleared chache too


    Joe Miller



    I just did the update of the graphene theme an now I am not able anymore to view the sub items in the primary menu. I can open the items of the primary menu, but I am not able to open the sub items anymore…

    Could someone help me with that issue?


    Syahir Hakim


    @bsacue, for the email icon create custom social profile and put “envelope” as icon name.

    For slider image, install AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild plugin. Then, rebuild the thumbnails for “graphene_slider”.

    3AM at the moment. If the above is not clear I’ll add some screenshots tomorrow.



    I appreciate the time difference so no worrys syahir, i am heading to bed myself so will post now and check again tomorrow.

    I have done as suggested adding envelope as icon name using a custom but still wont show, also i have installed the AJAX thumbnail rebuild and would love advice on what you mean with the rebuild the thumbnails for graphene theme please

    Good night and thank you


    Syahir Hakim


    Custom social profile for email:

    Rebuild thumbnails for slider images:



    I’m having the same problem with my slider photos being stretched and horribly out of proportion. I tried the fix you suggested to rebuild the thumbnails, but it still didn’t work. Can someone please help us with this?



    Thanks for the guide, the email works now but as above images no changes sorry


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