copyright not showing properly in child theme

  • katia


    Hi, Thanks for the awesome Theme!

    I created a child theme just in case before changing the set-up. I haven’t actually made any changes to the CSS sheet, etc. Yet, the copyright info in the footer is not showing properly (it was fine on the parent theme). I went into the set-up options and it is set up properly. I would appreciate any input on why this may be happening.

    Thank you, Katia


    Syahir Hakim


    You have this CSS code on your site that’s causing the text color to be the same as the background colour, hence the copyright text appears hidden:

    #footer, .graphene-footer {
    background-color: #999999;
    color: #999999;

    Looks like the code is inserted through the Custom CSS feature. Remove the line that starts with color:.




    Oh, Gee, I hadn’t thought about that. Thanks for indulging my stupidity. Kind regards, Katia

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