Comments with WP-United Plugin not work…

  • jmee84


    I have a little problem with the plugin WP United and Graphene theme

    This plugin allows you to connect a WordPress blog and forum phpBB3, allowing cross-posting and user integration. For example if someone posts a comment to the news this is also published as an entry in the phpBB forum and vice versa.

    This should be so, but I have one problem and that is when the plugin is activated, the comments are not shown … are published and sent to the forum, but not displayed. I’ve tried other themes and funcioana perfectly, so I conclude that either there is a bug in the theme or is there something I have missed …

    I leave the url of my website for qeu can verify what I mean:

    Is there any solution for this?

    PD: Sorry for my bad English… I´m from Spain 😉



    Hi, I’d like to say that I’m running into that problem as well.

    I’ve hooked up WordPress with a phpBB forum with WP-United, and when I activate graphene, the comments aren’t displayed on the blog.

    It is still possible to comment through the blog, and the comment will appear in the corresponding thread in the forum, but still nothing on the blog.

    I’m still learning all this, I’m not a web coder at all, so Graphene is very useful with all the customization possible within the WordPress admin interface.

    I still have to figure out how to have a common header and integrate the styles correctly with the forum, but that’s another problem, and if anyone has a solution to make the comments show up with Graphene while using WP-United, it would be really helpful.



    Nobody knows that is the problem?

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