
  • kootzie


    I have had to do surgery to excise some base64-injections and must have

    subtlely clobbered something…

    Now there is this code-crud at the very bottom of every page-frame:

    (function( $) { var imgs, i, w; var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'img' ); maxwidth = 0.98 * $( '.entry-content' ).width(); for( i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++ ) { w = imgs.getAttribute( 'width' ); if ( w > maxwidth ) { imgs.removeAttribute( 'width' ); imgs.removeAttribute( 'height' ); } } })(jQuery);

    What is the best (or even a recommended) way of reloading all of the theme’s php

    files while retaining all the user-content.

    Doing a complete backup obviously won’t work.

    I have setup a separate graphene wordpress in a separate subdomain, but the

    wordpress-xml-export/import misses tons and tons and tons of details

    and the links.

    Is it possible to switch to another theme, uninstall+reinstall graphene,

    then switch back to graphene theme without losing all the custom configuration ?

    Is the configuration information stored in SQL or in files which can be preserved

    over the reinstall cycle?

    During the initial cleanup phase, I noticed WP needed an upgrade, and then

    subsequently graphene needed an upgrade too. I was hopeful and optimistic that

    the upgrade would simply overwrite all the contaminated .php and fix the problem

    right there – but that didn’t happen


    Kenneth John Odle


    There are two basic ways to upgrade your theme (and WP for that matter): from the Dashboard, and via FTP.

    Even though upgrading from the Dashboard is the easiest way, the disadvantage is that you can only do this when there is a new upgrade available.

    You can upgrade via FTP anytime (and even roll back to a previous release), but you first must have FTP access to your site (not all hosts allow this, depending on your installation), and you must have a current copy of the theme on your computer.

    Is it possible to switch to another theme, uninstall+reinstall graphene,

    then switch back to graphene theme without losing all the custom configuration ?

    There is no need to switch to another theme. If you have FTP access, follow these steps:

    1) Download a copy of Graphene from the theme repository to your hard drive.

    2) Unzip the file. You will now have a folder labeled “graphene1.6” on your hard drive.

    3) Inside that folder is another folder labeled “graphene”. (No version number.)

    4) Login to your ftp account and navigate to the “wp-content” folder. Open that folder.

    5) Find the folder labeled “themes”. Open it.

    6) Copy the entire “graphene” folder (from step 3) to the “themes” folder. If you are overwriting a previous installation of Graphene, your FTP client will ask if you want to overwrite the files. Click on “Yes” or “Yes to All” if it’s avaialable.

    7) Don’t do anything until the upload is completed.

    There are times when upgrades don’t load all the new files, resulting in all sorts of errors. This may be what happened to you. Reuploading a complete copy of Graphene 1.6 may solve your problem.

    Is the configuration information stored in SQL or in files which can be preserved

    over the reinstall cycle?

    Yes, Graphene stores its settings in the database. As long as you don’t touch the database, your settings should be retained if you follow the steps above. You can also use the “Import/Export Theme Options” in Graphene’s options pane.

    I’m not quite sure where the “code-crud” you are getting is coming from. Are you using a child theme? You should never make modifications to either WordPress or theme core files. Any modifications you make should always be through theme options or through a child theme.



    Thank you for the information, insights, and procedure.

    I totally crossed my fingers, and it totally didn’t solve the problem,

    but… I have greater confidence to get in there and mess around

    with a few extra concepts under my belt.

    Once I knew the crud wasn’t coming from the graphene code, I just went in

    and blew away all of the plugins, (and extraneous themes) and re-installed only

    what was necessary.

    Presto! It’s fixed! Thanks again!


    Kenneth John Odle


    No problem.

    BTW — the easiest way to disable all plugins is to temporarily rename the plugins folder (via FTP).

    Once I knew the crud wasn’t coming from the graphene code, I just went in

    and blew away all of the plugins, (and extraneous themes) and re-installed only

    what was necessary.

    It’s amazing how much unused stuff piles up in your wordpress folder. It’s probably a good idea to go through there every once in a while and clear out stuff that hasn’t been used in ages.

    I totally crossed my fingers, and it totally didn’t solve the problem

    I am totally LMAO! Thanks!



    Please put your code between backtics. I’ve added them in the first post.

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