clcikable header image

  • Anonymous



    I know you can set an option to have the header clickable back to the blog home page.

    However I would like the header image to link back to my websites home page and wonder if anyone can advise how I can do this.

    Thank you in anticpation of any help.


    Syahir Hakim


    In the theme’s header.php file, find the following line around line 106:

    <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" id="header_img_link" title="<?php esc_attr_e('Go back to the front page', 'graphene'); ?>">&nbsp;</a>

    Replace the <?php echo home_url(); ?> with whatever URL you want the header to link to.



    Thank you so much for the quick response, i have followed this and it works great.

    The only problem i now have is that as I have reduced the header height to fit in with my logo the link area stretches down over the top of the main page and means that the links to the other pages can not be clicked.

    Would you please be able to advise where i could reduce the height bof this link area.

    Many thanks.


    Syahir Hakim


    Please refer to this forum thread to change the header size correctly:

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