changing the footer text

  • reza3d


    there is a text in footer “powered by wordpress and the graphene theme”.

    I want to know is it right if I change it? or is it wrong?(I mean maybe it is copyright and i must not change it)

    if i am allowed to change it where could i change it?

    thank you in advance.


    Kenneth John Odle


    No, you are free to change it. Just add this code to your custom CSS:

    #developer {

    changing “whatever” to the font you would like. See this page for more information about using fonts on the web.

    Welcome aboard,



    Syahir Hakim


    You are also free to change the text to anything else, or even to remove it altogether. The theme is released under GPLv2 licence, which grants you complete freedom to do whatever you want with the theme.



    Hi Syahir,

    Thanks for this great theme, and for allowing so much freedom and flexibility!

    Regarding the footer text, the code Ken posted above is for changing the font, but how how can I remove or change the text itself? I can’t find where it is in the options and I don’t know the code for it.

    Thanks in advance!



    It’s called from the theme’s file footer.php, (search in the file for graphene_developer)

    But, if you edit the php right there, then you’ll have to redo it every time the theme’s updated, unless you create a child theme.

    If you just want to hide it, then you could use the CSS trick above, but with the parameter display:none ! This will remove the element. If you still want to put something else in the same place, then go to the advanced tab and raise a widget-hook in footer.php for graphene_developer or graphene_footer. I haven’t tried myself, so I don’t know if the first widget would be neutralized by the CSS setting. But then the graphene_footer hook should do the trick ๐Ÿ™‚



    I’ve tried this a bit more now.

    If in under Custom CSS enter #developer{display:none} then this will totally eliminate the field to the right in the footer, where currently the links to WP and Graphene are given.

    If you activate the action hook for graphene_developer and place a widget in it, your widget will also be hidden.

    You may, though, activate the action hook for graphene_footer and place your widget there. But then it will be shown on the left side instead.

    Anyway, the good thing with the adjustments I give here is that they, without any child theme creation or special functions, will remain in power even if the theme is updated.

    (Oh, and you would be among the first in the world to use these Graphene dynamic widget areas, which were only introduced with Graphene 1.5 about a month ago ๐Ÿ™‚ )



    I’ve started WordPress and Graphene yesterday and have the same need. Can’t manage to activate the hooks (there is no list to choose from, in the advanced tab). I didn’t succeed neither to create a child theme, with only style.css and footer.php, because when activated, it had overhelmed the customisation made in Graphene via the interface.

    So, I’ve suppressed the child theme, modified directly the footer.php in the Graphene dir and note the modifications in a text file, to redo it after an update ๐Ÿ™



    Dear Xwolverine,

    To WordPress, a Child Theme is a new theme, so it will come fresh out of the box. All the settings you’ve made to another theme, stays with that theme…

    I was about to play with a child theme elsewhere, and this specific fact was the one to hold me back.

    However, Graphene has another very interesting tool, which might come in very handy for you: you can save and upload your theme settings. This might help you to migrate most of your settings to the child theme!

    I haven’t tried yet myself, though. So, please let me know the outcome.


    Syahir Hakim

    To WordPress, a Child Theme is a new theme, so it will come fresh out of the box. All the settings you’ve made to another theme, stays with that theme…

    Actually, only certain settings are reset when switching to a child theme. These are the custom header, custom background, and custom menus. All other settings within the Graphene Options page should stay the same.



    Actually, only certain settings are reset when switching to a child theme…

    Thanks. Now that I can, I’ll play with it on my experimental site.

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