Change thumbnail in blog/posts view to a wide image

  • Inquinim



    When you go to the blog page / posts view section (where you can see all of your posts) it has the thumbnail of the featured image next to the post. I want to have it show the full size image. Is there an option for this? I’ve looked but couldn’t find it.

    I thought the before_post_content_graphene_hook~ might work, but quickly realised I couldn’t have a different image show for each post.

    Would appreciate any input.


    Kenneth John Odle

    I want to have it show the full size image. Is there an option for this?

    Not really. Excerpts show thumbnails by default.

    The thumbnail size is controlled by WordPress.

    You can go to Settings >> Media and adjust your thumbnail sizes there.

    Moved to Support. Please post in the correct section next time.



    Ah I see. Thanks. Instead of showing thumbnails, I added a widget into the before_post section which to display the featured images.

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