Categories bar only showing 5 of 7 categories?

  • Anonymous



    I maintain I recently noticed that not all of my categories are showing in the upper bar, just under the page listing. I have a total of seven categories I would like to have displayed across my sub-menu bar. Visually, it looks like both the page and category bars may be limited in terms of content width, but try as I might with putting letters and numbers before the category pages, I cannot get it to display anything other than the five that appear currently — maybe it displays the five with the oldest creation dates?

    The missing letters were sections that were created after those that appear currently. I would delete the category and start again but I am concerned deleting the category will also delete the posts under that category, which I obviously want to avoid.

    Is there some code I can modify to allow more than five items to appear on the category sub-menu? Also, is there a way to arrange these items into the proper order — will deleting a category tag also remove those posts?

    Thank you!


    Kenneth John Odle


    Are you using a custom menu? You should be able to add any number of items to a custom menu in that menu location.



    Thank you for the reply! No, nothing custom. I went through the Graphene options and under the navigation tab chose categories for the secondary menu.


    Kenneth John Odle

    I would delete the category and start again but I am concerned deleting the category will also delete the posts under that category,

    WordPress does not do this. If you delete the category, the posts in that category get moved to the “Uncategorized” category.

    Are the missing categories actually subcategories?

    Here is my tutorial on custom menus, if you are interested:



    Hi Kenneth,

    Sorry for the lateness of my reply. I was sick and then had a lot of catch up at my day job. None of them were sub-categories, but I was able to fix the issue using your guide. I made a custom menu using the categories and it went through fine; it just wouldn’t through the Graphene options panel when I tried to order things using the standard Categories panel with stock WordPress. Thank you!!!



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