cascading comments

  • jkeis


    I would like to swtich from cascading comments to alternating shaded backgrounds. Is this something that can be quickly and easily done? I can figure out the background part, I’m just having a problem with the code for the rest of the comment functions. Perhaps this is in your next version? Thanks.


    Syahir Hakim


    Do you mean you want to switch from the threaded comment to just a simple one, without the threaded comment functionality?



    Is there a function to do this? I may not have come across it…



    I actually don’t mind the cascading effect, but what happens beyond 10 comments? to the same reply?


    Syahir Hakim


    If it gets to 10 levels deep already, the last level of the comment reply won’t have the reply link there anymore, so your visitors can only reply to the same comment up to 10 levels deep.



    ok, and is there a simple way to switch it to nonthreaded?


    Syahir Hakim


    Yes, in the Settings > Discussion admin page.



    Got it, thanks.



    I’m trying to reposition the date and category the way you have it in your current blog… may I ask if you could paste that style.css code for it here? I would like the date to read Month, Day, and Year.



    I have a hunch I should look inside loop.php 🙂

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